Saturday, January 7, 2012

Save the Drama for Yo Momma

My son. He's intelligent, handsome, quick-witted, and DRAMATIC.  Let me introduce you to Aiden "Carter" Boyd through an glimpse into our home:

I have struggled with weight my entire life and decided that when I had a child that I would do everything possible to help him develop healthy eating habits.  Apparently, God had other things in mind when he gave me Carter.  Carter, since birth, has been the funniest eater and has taken issue with almost every food at some point.  He struggled with baby food, and then as the stages progressed, so did his ability to spit food at me! He was late in eating regular food and didn't conquer chewy foods until almost 2.  As I have watched his friends at daycare overcome the obsticles of vegtables, meats, and even gum, my sweet Carter has never tasted a doughnut.  WHAT?!?, you say! How could a child who is 3 1/2 not have enjoyed some of the more finer sweets in life? This is where I can only say "Here's Carter" in my best Ed McMahon impression!! I struggle daily to get him to eat anything other than pizza and popcorn chicken. And to all of you who's children eat what you give them, YES I have tried letting him go to bed hungry.  That's exactly what he does; goes to bed hungry!! I have tried to keep the meals as balanced as possible, mixing protiens and carbs (and yes I have justified a lunchable in this, sue me!!)

So tonight, as we get ready to cheer on the New Orleans Saints in round one of the playoffs, Dain's at work, and I cleaned and put up Christmas decorations all day, I did not want to cook (Again, sue me!). I stooped. I caved. I offered him pb&j for supper.  I don't know about you, but as a kid and adult, that's like dessert for a meal.  As I am mixing the two in a bowl to spread on his bread, he comes, ever so curious, to see what it looks like.  As I should have expected, he started crying and telling me he doesn't like that and he only wants peanut butter.  What? I know this can't be true! How can I prove him wrong? I'm sick of this non-sense! So, without hesitation, I cornered him in the kitchen, held his cheeks, and shoved the spoonful into his mouth. And.....he spit it right back at me!

All I could think is, what a rude, defiant, spoiled little.... and before I could finish my trail of thoughts that I would later have to ask God for forgiveness on, he licked his lips.  I held my breath in sheer hope that I had won this battle.  He licked them again. Then as if none of the prior battle had taken place, he said, "Yeah, I do like that! Momma, I do like that, it's good!" VICTORY IS MINE!! So, as I approach the playoffs tonight on cloud nine, I can only imagine what I can accomplish tomorrow.

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