Thursday, February 23, 2012

"We Had An Incident"

Incident is a kind word that means "nothing good." So when I picked Carter up from school today and was told by the daycare director "we had an incident today", I held my breath.  All I could think was "Damn it, Carter. What now?" Of course I would never say that out loud, but let's be honest, that's what we think every time the word "incident" appears.  I waited; ready for anything.  I was told ever so solemnly that Carter pulled his pants down in front of other students a few times this morning and "she had to have a talk with him." I was shocked! My Carter? Of all of the stunts he's pulled, being a voyeur hasn't been on the top of the list.  I assured her that I had not seen that kind of behavior at home, and that I agreed to the idea that "it's not acceptable behavior." As I bent down and began my "Momma talk" with Carter about what I envisioned as him pulling his shorts and underwear down to show his privates, I had an epiphany.  The embarrassment overwhelms me, but I DARE not show it.  Like a rush of wind (coming over a sewer plant) it hits me like a ton of bricks.  My child was not pulling his pants/underwear all the way down.....he was MOONING them!!

As I strapped him into his seat in the car, I composed myself.  I straightened my face; hardened my gaze; looked him dead in the eye.  And while trying to be serious, I asked the looming question.  "Carter, did you show your booty-butt (his language, not mine) at school today?" He grinned. He grinned so big that it turned straight into a chuckle and he said, "Yeah Momma and it was so funny!" How can I compete with this? What I wanted to do was completely opposite of what I knew I needed to do.  The image of Carter pulling down his pants just enough to show a little crack for a laugh was absolutely hilarious to me.  But, I conceded to the moment and did my best attempt at remaining serious.  As I began to explain that "showing people our booty butt is not nice", I am met with eyes of confusion and a grand "IT'S NOT?!?".  He knew I was lying.  He knew that this was considered funny in any other situation, and truly couldn't understand what I was saying.  So with a blank stare, as if to just play along, he shrugged his shoulders and mechanically stated "ok Momma".


  1. O.m.g. I'm sure I would win the worlds worse mother award after laughing and giving him a high five! Haha

  2. At least you weren't friends with someone who told me one of mine mooned them from our second story window while she was walking through the neighborhood one day. By that point in my life I think I said' "Really? Is that all?". OK, I never claimed to be "Mother of the Year"...
