Monday, February 6, 2012

Demons be gone!

For years I have understood the power of medicine.  With just a single dose symptoms could subside, aches could disappear, hair could regrow, erectile dysfunction could, well, function.  What I did not understand was how a single dose could somehow remove the spirit of the child I once knew and replace it with something powerful, scary, and all together evil at times. What happened in our house over the weekend was absurdly out of control and bordered on needing an exorcism.

Carter was placed on a steroid over the weekend for a respiratory illness by his doctor.  His doctor is the most loving and kind man I have ever been to.  He makes me feel competent (even when it's in question), takes his time with ALL of my questions, and tells me what a good-looking child I have (and yes, I know he tells everyone this, but I don't care!!).  He knows us.  He cares about us.  I trust.....well, trusted him.  I believe that demons were placed in a bottle of Orapred, leading me to inadvertently give them to my son.  With one teaspoon on Saturday morning the adventure started and left a path of destruction including but not limited to the following:

1-Broken Frame
3-Doses spilled medicine (one of which he flung at his mouth from
                           dose cup approximately 1 foot from said target)
Every toy removed from room- including the ones that were tucked in storage in his closet.
1-Cracked foot stool (one week old from Target)
Numerous broken toys
Sat on Jack (our 10 year old pug with morbid obesity and arthritis whom we also believe to be going blind)
Ran over Maddie (our rescue dog that is probably plotting her return to shelter)
2-skid marks
    1- on the floor from making his bike slide around the corners at a high rate of speed
    1- in his underwear from running off the toilet without alerting anyone to clean him

I might not have been prepared for the weekend, but if there is anything that my grandfather has taught me (other than "doing your homework means your man won't stray", and "no one ever died of the red ass" and the ever famous "that went over like a turd in a punchbowl") is that fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, I'll get you!!  So tonight I will return home, bible in hand.....

I'll need something to slap the shit out of him with!!

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