Thursday, August 30, 2012

A Week with My Son

Last week, my family took our annual vacation to the beach.  Carter has been dragged through the sand since he was 11 months old and up until this point, he wasn't real sure about what to think when it came to the sand and ocean.  To my greatest hope, this year was different.  He was relaxed and confident all week long, but as you all have come to expect with my stories, he was a little too relaxed and WAY TOO CONFIDENT!!  

Dain and I are laid back parents and don't fret over little things with Carter anymore.  We had our moments in the beginning, but like Carter's first year of insomnia, we got it out of our system and were on a stable track.  We have always laughed and talked about how funny he is and just how funny this age of development can be, but we also had not spent day and night with one another.  We've had our moments with Carter when we walk away knowing he won the argument. But we work to regroup and be prepared for next one. In no way were we on our game for a week's vacation together.  

I had always wanted a smart child; one that would not struggle and would have education and social situations come easy.  What I did not realize came with that wish was verbal dominance and strong-willed personality that did not allow for the occasional, parental white lie.  I was not given the child that you can say, "It's all gone" when wanting too many cookies, or "It's out of gas" when wanting to ride on the lawn mower. Nope, not Carter!  He almost laughs with disdain at our attempts to fool him with trickery!  We are met with responses like, "No, the cookies are right here in the cabinet behind the bread. (While grabbing stool and moving objects in pantry) SEE?!?" I've always said that it was like raising a 3 year old with a mind of a 30 year old.  I know what you are thinking, too, that he is just mimicking what we say, but I stand here with all honesty and integrity and say, "Not completely". I'll admit to the occasional quick-whit at Carter, but do try and watch attitude, language, and tone when addressing him.  After a week together, I realize that I need my whit to be on my toes with what this one might throw at you!

For an entire week, I cringed, corrected, and laughed at the randomness that spewed like word vomit from Carter's mouth.  He referenced my mother as "the old lady", responded to conversations and commands with "you've got to be kidding me" and "WHAAAAT?"  I was told I was "ridiculous", and that he couldn't pick up his toys because his "foot was broke like Mimi's" (my mom recently broke her foot). Every decision was a negotiation: "4 more days", "3 more minutes", "just oooone more cookie" in a dominant tone that might infer that it was not open for discussion.  Then, there came the flirting. "Flirting???" you say, "how can a 3, almost 4 year old, really be flirting?" Well, it happened, and not with age appropriate children, but 16-20 year olds! I had to pull my son back from chasing, falling in front of, Meow-ing at, and just plain hollering at girls in minimal clothing!!  By the end of the week, we entertained others, made some new friends, and creeped out some young girls.....All in all it was a great vacation!

So the next time you are in the store and hear a mother and son arguing with one another and your hear a child's voice say "You are really getting on my nerves!" followed with "You are really getting on my nerves too, but I'm not buying you a toy or candy. Now come on!" please come say hello!! 

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