Monday, April 2, 2012

Back to Life, Back to Reality

I recently had a bad spell with some health issues.  As a parent you really begin to understand the magnitude of your role and responsibilities when you are "under the weather." I was so worried about Dain being able to manage the house while I was off my feet (thought only for a few days, but ended up at two weeks) but little did I realize that my focus was all wrong.  He had it completely under control. Navigated through the pantry, cleaned and picked up the house, called and chastised Doctor's (this was during the unexpected spell) all without batting an eye.  During the first week, Carter was at my mother's house living it up and getting full on attention as would be expected at Mimi's House.  What I was not prepared for was his return and reaction to me being ill.  Apparently, Carter shows concern through insubordination!! He was a beast; a force to be reckoned with.  Nothing made him happy, and NOTHING was right.  As I struggled to get better, I also struggled with not sending my child back to his Mimi's.  But, in an instant (because of God answering my prayer) I was better, and so was he! When he got home and I was in the living room and not in the bed, he was a changed kid.  I was happy to be back to myself and also happy to have my son back.  We were able to enjoy the weekend and each other before I returned to work today.

With all of that said, the fun has not stopped and I will be bringing the Carter-saga up to speed. So, when you see multiple alerts to new blogs, that's just me telling our story some more!

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